NAV Apps are published to a specific Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance. This effectively makes them available for tenants. Once successfully published, a NAV App can be installed for one or more tenants.

To publish or unpublish a NAV App

  1. In the , use the Publish-NAVApp cmdlet. The cmdlet takes as parameters the server you want to install to and the .navx package file that contains the NAV App. The following example publishes the app MyNAVApp to the YourDynamicsNAVServer instance.

     Copy Code
    Publish-NAVApp -ServerInstance YourDynamicsNAVServer -Path MyNAVApp.navx

    Publish does more than just update internal tables. It also compiles the NAV App components behind-the-scenes and builds the necessary metadata objects that are used at runtime.

    You can also oversee the published NAV Apps and their state using Get-NAVAppInfo. If no tenants have a NAV App installed, you can completely remove it using Unpublish-NAVApp.

  2. In the , use the Unpublish-NAVApp cmdlet. The cmdlet takes as parameters the server you want to remove the NAV App from and the name of the NAV App. The following example removes the app MyNAVApp from the YourDynamicsNAVServer instance.

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    Unpublish-NAVApp -ServerInstance YourDynamicsNAVServer -Path MyNAVApp

Once an app has been published, it must be made available for any tenant that wishes to use it.

To install a NAV App

  1. In the , use the Install-NAVApp cmdlet. The following example installs the MyNAVApp for Tenant1 and Tenant3. In single-tenant deployments, you either specify default as the tenant ID, or you omit the -Tenant parameter.

     Copy Code
    Install-NAVApp -ServerInstance YourDynamicsNAVServer -Name ”My NAV App” -Tenant Tenant1, Tenant3

    You can also oversee the installed NAV Apps for a tenant using Get-NAVAppInfo -Tenant, all tenants that have installed a specified NAV App using Get-NAVAppTenant, and uninstall a NAV App using Uninstall-NAVApp.

    When you uninstall a NAV App that includes tables and fields, this impacts the database schema and any data that the tables and fields contain. To understand how data is handled during uninstall or upgrade, see: Steps to: Upgrade with NAV Apps involved.

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