Returns a password protected temporary filepath containing the encryption key.

When encrypting or decrypting data in Microsoft Dynamics NAV, an encryption key is used. Microsoft Dynamics NAV uses a single key per tenant and every tenant will have a different key. Keys can be exported to a file which may be necessary in the case of upgrading or migrating a system from one set of hardware to another. The EXPORTENCRYPTIONKEY function allows an administrator to specify a destination file for the key and specify a password protection for the file.

Use the System Restore permission set in Microsoft Dynamics NAV to allow importing the encryption key.




Value: String

Specifies the password for the encryption key file.

Property Value/Return Value

Value: Text

A temporary filepath to where the key is exported.


If encryption is not enabled or the encryption key is not found, the following error will be displayed: An encryption key is required to complete the request.


This code example uses the EXPORTENCRYPTIONKEY function to return a password protected file that contains an encryption key. With the DOWNLOAD function the file is sent from the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server computer to the client computer.

This example requires that you create the following text constants: ExportFileName and ClientFileName.

 Copy Code
        ERROR('Encryption has not been enabled.');
      ExportFileName := EXPORTENCRYPTIONKEY('This is my personal secret');
      ClientFileName := 'ExportedKey.ekey';
      DOWNLOAD(ExportFileName,'Save the encrypted key file','','Encrypted Key File (*.ekey)|*.ekey',ClientFileName);

See Also