In this procedure, you install the Connettore per Microsoft Dynamics. To download the Connettore per Microsoft Dynamics installation file, see Connector for Microsoft Dynamics. The download requires PartnerSource login. The download includes complete instructions for installing and configuring the Connettore per Microsoft Dynamics. You must review the documentation for information on the following:

To install the Connettore per Microsoft Dynamics

  1. Copy the Connettore per Microsoft Dynamics installation file to a folder on your computer.

  2. Double-click the Connector for Microsoft Dynamics NAV.msi file to start the installation wizard.

  3. Type the product registration key.

    You receive the product registration key when you download the connector.

  4. Enter the name of the computer running SQL Server where you want to install and set up the Microsoft Dynamics Integration (MSDI) database.

  5. In the Service account ID and Password fields, type the integration account information that you use to run integration. You must use a Windows domain user account.

  6. Click Install to complete the installation.

The next step for using the Connettore per Microsoft Dynamics is to register the adapters that the integration process uses. For more information, see the technical documentation that is included with the Connettore per Microsoft Dynamics.


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