Specifies the quantity that will be shipped when the warehouse shipment is posted.

The default value of this field is zero. When a quantity is registered as picked for the warehouse shipment line, then the Qtà da spedire field is automatically updated with the picked quantity. The value is copied from the Qtà gestita field on the warehouse pick line.

If you want to edit this field, for example to ship partially, then you can only decrease the quantity. This is because you cannot ship more than you have picked, but you can ship fewer than you have picked.

If the warehouse shipment line is for an assemble-to-order quantity, however, then you can both decrease and increase the value in the Qtà da spedire field.

Assemble to Order

If the item on the warehouse shipment line is being assembled to a sales order, indicated by the Assemblaggio su ordine field, then the value in the Qtà da spedire field is copied to Quantità da assemblare field on the assembly order that is linked to the sales order line that is being shipped. In that case, the posting of assembly output occurs when the related warehouse shipment is posted.

For more information, see Handling Assemble-to-Order Items in Warehouse Shipments.


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