Specifies which service item the component on the line is used in.
If the field has a value, then the component on the assembly BOM line can automatically be installed as a component in the linked service item when you post the component as shipped from a sales order for that service item. For more information, see Procedura: Creare articoli in assistenza durante la spedizione degli articoli.
The component is automatically installed in the service item when you ship it if the following conditions are met:
The Installato in articolo nr. field on the assembly BOM specifies the service item that it is installed in.
You explode the BOM item that the assembly component in this field belongs to on the sales order line for the service item.
The component belongs to a service item group where the following is true:
The Crea articolo in assistenza field is selected.
A serial number is registered.
The Crea articolo in assistenza field is selected.
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